Are there still rules to follow at work?

Are there still rules to follow at work?
Are there still rules to follow at work?

We thought the masks were stored in the back of the cupboards, but now, autumn has arrived and with it yet another return of Covid-19. The circulation of the virus is intensifying in , according to the latest vigilance bulletin from Public Health France of September 25. We take stock of the rules (or not) and the recommendations to follow if you test positive for Covid-19.

Should you isolate yourself?

The health protocol no longer applies in companies since March 14, 2022, recalls the public service website. In short, it is no longer obligatory to isolate yourself for a week or to wear a mask for sick people or contact cases.

What about teleworking?

Also no more compulsory teleworking. Your employer is no longer obliged to accept it if you request it, specify our colleagues from La Voix du .

However, social distancing measures remain recommended, as does the application of barrier gestures (washing your hands regularly, cleaning your desk after leaving it, etc.). Health Insurance also advises“avoid contact with vulnerable people”.

How to request a work stoppage?

Since February 1, 2023, you can no longer request exceptional work leave on the Health Insurance website if you have Covid. It is therefore necessary have it prescribed by your doctor.“Like any work stoppage, you have 48 hours to send the notice to your health insurance fund and, if you are an employee, to your employer”specifies the Health Insurance website.



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