Audrey Hubert (Large families) compliments her son’s good academic results

Today at 10:29 – by
Tanguy Jaillant

In a message published on Instagram, this Saturday, June 29, Audrey Hubert confided in the academic performance of her son, Camille. The opportunity for her to pay tribute to him as the young boy was irreproachable.

It was by joining the cast of the show Large families: life in XXL that the Hubert family was revealed to the general public. TF1 viewers thus got to know Audrey and Stéphane, two parents at the head of a magnificent tribe of seven children. Unfortunately, some time after their very first television appearance, they decided to slam the door on the show in order to find more peace and privacy. Today, fans of the Hubert family can still follow their adventures since the mother, Audrey, is still very active on social networks, and more specifically on Instagram.

Audrey Hubert (Large families) fulfilled by his son, Camille: “So proud of him”

While Stéphane’s partner has spoken out to discuss her misadventures, the health of her loved ones, and the organization she has put in place for her home, she also sometimes talks about her children’s schooling. This is particularly the case during one of her latest stories published on Instagram, this Saturday, June 29. The mother has indeed revealed a photo of her son, Camille, which she accompanied with “his master’s appreciation” class. “Camille has had an excellent second semester, which rounds off a successful year. He is a mature, brilliant, hard-working student who is the driving force of the class. I warmly congratulate him on his year as a whole.”reported Audrey Hubert, before adding a tender personal annotation: “So proud of him”she concluded.

Audrey Hubert is worried and confides in the “catastrophic assessment” of another of his children

Camille’s good results at school are all the more important for the mother as the young boy is preparing to change schools. “We made the decision to change Camille and Baptiste [d’école]. […] I am relieved. It was a meeting of nothing at all, but it stressed me out like crazy because it is becoming concrete and then because it will bring a huge change”, she confided on March 15, on Instagram. But if the former TF1 candidate is confident for her son, she is a little less confident for her brother, Baptiste, who is encountering more difficulties. “His academic results, judged insufficient, put him in a bad situation [état d’esprit]. Since then, he has been going to school backwards. He’s hanging on, but it’s still difficult for him.”she added, specifying that the young boy had made enormous progress: “Today he is happy with his results. It motivates him. The work is paying off and I couldn’t help but reward him [en lui offrant] a video game he had wanted for so long.”

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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