BFMTV columnist reprimands former Prime Minister for mistake, tone rises (VIDEO)

BFMTV columnist reprimands former Prime Minister for mistake, tone rises (VIDEO)
BFMTV columnist reprimands former Prime Minister for mistake, tone rises (VIDEO)

Jean-Pierre Raffarin was the guest of Alice Darfeuille and Julie Hammett during a special BFMTV evening around the legislative elections on Wednesday June 26, 2024. The former Prime Minister was criticized by Pablo Pillaud-Vivien for having committed a “very serious political and historical error”.

As the first round of the legislative elections approaches, BFMTV offered a special evening on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. From 8:30 p.m., Alice Darfeuille and Julie Hammett hosted 2024 Legislative Elections: 48 hours to convince.

The program was punctuated by the presence of numerous political figures. Among them : Jean-Pierre Raffarin. The former Prime Minister was invited to comment on the crisis that has shaken France since the dissolution of the National Assembly decided by Emmanuel Macron following the results of the European elections.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin cannot stand a remark from Pablo Pillaud-Vivien on BFMTV

The young columnist Pablo Pillaud-Vivien criticized Jean-Pierre Raffarin for putting La France Insoumise and the National Rally on the same level. “I am still a little distressed by this equivalence that you are making, in fact, between La France Insoumise and the National Rally. This obsession that you have – but which is shared by many people around this panel – for the person of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. And opposite, you have a group constituted…”he said before his interlocutor interrupted him: “I can tell you about others. The political family, La France Insoumise, I truly contest it!”

“On the one hand, you have the left in its diversity with things on which you fiercely disagree….

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