Johnny Hallyday will be the hero of two films soon in cinemas

The idol of (not too) young people deserved two films as his personality and his imprint on French music have left their mark on generations. Like the fashion designer Yves Saint-Laurent in 2014 who took over the big screen in two biopics released almost simultaneously, these are two projects on Johnny which are currently seeing the light of day. And already as with the French designer, it is Jalil Lespert who is at the helm of one of the two projects with Matthias Schoenaerts in the title role. The film is scheduled for release in 2026.

Regarding the second project which has just been announced, it is Raphaël Quenard who has been chosen to interpret Johnny Hallyday in a biopic authorized by his widow Laetitia, announced its producer to Parisian Wednesday.

“The idea is to make the big biopic of Johnny”

“The idea is to make the great biopic of Johnny”, who died in 2017. “We are going to start at the end and trace the thread of his extraordinary destiny”, declared to the daily Hugo Sélignac, one of the most important French producers. in view of the moment (Pupil, I will always see your faces, The big bath…).

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The film is to be directed by Cédric Jimenez (North Bac, November) and the main role entrusted to Raphaël Quenard, in high demand since his César for best male hopeful for Dog of the breakage. It is due to be released on December 8, 2027, almost 10 years to the day after the singer’s death, adds the daily.



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