Marianne James discusses her excess weight on TF1 with Isabelle Ithurburu

Marianne James discusses her excess weight on TF1 with Isabelle Ithurburu
Marianne James discusses her excess weight on TF1 with Isabelle Ithurburu

The 62-year-old singer spoke without taboo about her physique on the show “50’Inside”.

“It bothered me until I was 40 or 50, then I gave up. I finally accepted them.”. Marianne James is the portrait of the week in “50 minutes inside” on TF1. She addresses the subject of being overweight with Isabelle Ithurburu who listens to her with kindness. The 62-year-old singer has shaped an eccentric character and an extraordinary universe over the years.

“For me, the fat man is a hero. The fat man and the fat woman are heroes. I am 50 kilos overweight.”, declares Marianne James who uses the image of sandbags being weighted one after the other on her. Going up a floor is impossible without “legs don’t shake”.

“I’m exactly twice my weight. I weighed 70 kilos at 20, I’ll let you do the math.”she says before detailing: “I’m carrying two whole Mariannes. We are heroes but I don’t want a medal for that because if I had the choice, frankly, I would have liked to never go over 100 kilograms. It’s not a choice.”.

Difficulties in stores

Overweight people have great difficulty getting dressed. “Apart from luxury brands, we have four to six brands maximum but they sell bags with colors… and that costs a lot!”explains the singer.

“I want to say to fat people: wear scarves, hats and jewelry… Enjoy your roundness. Show your breasts which are necessarily pretty. Don’t cover your arms. Let them breathe. Little dresses in the summer are very pretty on curvy women even if the leg is a little thick at the bottom.”she adds. “Don’t be alone, it’s isolating to be rejected”will be his final advice on the TF1 celebrity show.




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