Excluded Public: “I will always work”, Chantal Goya reveals that she receives 600 euros in retirement

Excluded Public: “I will always work”, Chantal Goya reveals that she receives 600 euros in retirement
Excluded Public: “I will always work”, Chantal Goya reveals that she receives 600 euros in retirement

Many personalities openly talk about the amount of their pension in the media. Guest of Jordan de Luxe on the set of At Jordan’s This Wednesday, June 26, 2024, it was Chantal Goya’s turn to address the subject of her pension.

« Taxes paid increased to 600 euros“, revealed the singer of the yé-yé years who considers that this sum is “ already not bad » to the extent that it continues its activity.

« At the time, whether it was me or all the other artists, we didn’t have pay slips. We didn’t have things like that, we were associated with production, but we didn’t have a company either” she confided before specifying that she knew full well that she was going to work « up to 110 years, until the end.«

« I will always work, it is not a question of choice, I like to work, I will rest when I am up there“, added the star who would have been fired from VALLEY. And if her career ends overnight, Chantal Goya already has a backup plan. “ If there are no more shows tomorrow, I’ll open a little shop with flowers, I’ll make carrots, turnips, all that. In my head, I have lots of projects« .

“Money is not my driving force”

This is not the first time that Chantal Goya has addressed the thorny financial issue. Podcast guest Series in April 2023, she spoke at length about her money management.

The interpreter of Jeannot the bunny had notably revealed herself to be a big spender. “ Money is not my driving force […] Sometimes when I have money I feel like I’m playing Monopoly. I always distribute money to everyone. This is for so and so, this is for so and so. It’s like Monopoly! There are never any in my pocket. As soon as it comes in, it leaves just as quickly« .

During this interview, the wife of Jean-Jacques Debout also mentioned the pension reform, ensuring that when he “ there are huge problems, we must listen to the public, listen to what they are asking, we must not be above the fray, it will be of no use at all« .

« I could complain, because I don’t have a pension“, she added. And to conclude: “ We didn’t pay contributions at the time, it didn’t exist.« .



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