Toulouse. Mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc sends “the extremes” back to back, and refuses to choose between RN and LFI

Toulouse. Mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc sends “the extremes” back to back, and refuses to choose between RN and LFI
Toulouse. Mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc sends “the extremes” back to back, and refuses to choose between RN and LFI


Maréva Laville

Published on

July 1, 2024 at 2:25 p.m.

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The day after the first round of the 2024 legislative electionswhere the National Rally obtained 25.44% of the vote in Haute-Garonne, far behind the New Popular Front (38.02%) and the presidential majority (26.88%), the Mayor of Toulouse reacted in a statement.

“Some are urging me to give a ‘voting instruction’, considering a single and unique danger, as if there were only one danger and on one side!” writes Jean-Luc Moudenc.

“Extremism is always dangerous,” says Jean-Luc Moudenc

Recently and on the eve of the legislative elections, during the last Toulouse municipal council, Jean-Luc Moudenc had already pointed out the “danger of extremes” and had signed a platform calling for this path to be avoided.

Again, this Monday late morning, the Capitol tenant reiterated his position. “My conviction is that Extremism, whether left or right, is always fundamentally dangerous. And that once in power, what the extremists do always turns against the People who, after having been seduced, find themselves deceived.”

A “very frustrating” second round for the mayor

The mayor then said he “shared the dismay” of the voters.

Next Sunday, in some cases, the second round will be very frustrating for many voters, when there will be only two ballots, that of the National Rally and that of France Insoumise. I can only share their dismay.

Jean-Luc Moudenc
Mayor (ex-LR) of Toulouse
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The rebellious opposition targeted

The mayor of the Ville Rose then recalled, through his pen, that by his status, he was at the service of all the people of Toulouse, “whatever their political preferences”. He added: “My role is not to be the director of conscience of my fellow citizens.”

“I will therefore not have the moral weakness to abandon myself to such complacency, even less so for serve those who fiercely fight the municipal action led by my team!” he added, implicitly aiming at his rebellious rivals at the Capitol, in particular the candidate for the Legislative elections in the 3rd constituency of Haute-Garonne, Agathe Roby.

“The RN’s pass-through”, judges François Piquemal (LFI)

A publication that did not fail to provoke a reaction Francois Piquemalsole deputy for the Haute-Garonne constituencies, re-elected in the first round with the France Unbowedinvested by the New Popular Front. On X, he then replied: “Here you are the RN serving hatch under the guise of “neither-nor”.

Before adding that by this act, Jean-Luc Moudenc puts “thousands of inhabitants of Toulouse in a position of insecurity who will be the target of the extreme right if she comes to power.”

“Unworthy calculations” says Agathe Roby (LFI)

Still on the LFI side, Sylvie Spanish judged Jean-Luc Moudenc’s position “irresponsible to send the NFP and the RN back to back”. The latter, who came 3rd in the 5th constituency, withdrew in front of the RN and explained this toToulouse News.

Co-chair of the AMC opposition group at the town hall Agathe Roby For her part, she deplored the fact that the chief magistrate “persists in his unworthy calculations”. A candidate for the Legislative elections in the 3rd constituency where she came out on top (34.58%), she insisted: “The mayor of Toulouse refuses to see the difference between a racist program of national priority threatening the rule of law, and an ecological program of redistribution of wealth”.

“Please remove the bust of Jean-Jaurès” proclaims François Briançon (PS)

Finally, municipal councillor François Briançon, departmental head of the Socialist Party, was also moved by this position of the mayor, and called on him to make a symbolic gesture: “In the Jean-Luc Moudenc’s office at the Capitol, there is a bust of Jean-Jaurès. Please remove it, it has no place near a man of dishonor.”

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