Journalist Karim Rissouli broadcasts a racist letter sent to his home

Journalist Karim Rissouli broadcasts a racist letter sent to his home
Journalist Karim Rissouli broadcasts a racist letter sent to his home

Karim Rissouli, journalist on France 5 where he presents the show “C ce soir”, revealed on Instagram the content of a racist and anonymous letter “received at home” Tuesday June 25. “ Not at work. Not on the networks. At my house “he underlined above a photo of the letter, of which here are extracts:

“Frankly Karim, you didn’t understand the vote of June 9. It’s not purchasing power, it’s not retirement at 60, it’s not the privatization of Radio France, the one and only fundamental reason for voting RN is that the historic French people are fed up with all these bicots, the rest is blah-blah. The “Souchien” [Français de souche] will never accept you, nor your brothers, and even despite their numbers you will never possess France.”

The journalist read these extracts in an interview with Brut, in which he said he received ” regularly “ insults and death threats on social networks. “It goes well beyond my personal case”he said. “I also think of all those people who are racialized, blacks, Arabs, Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, trans people, in short all those who experience discrimination on a daily basis and who are afraid today that racist speech frees. »

In the current political context, which is very volatile, he recalls that “We perhaps need to collectively remember that racism is not an opinion, it is an offense and that the things we say in public debate sometimes have consequences that can be serious.”

Political support and journalistic companies “all his support” to Karim Rissouli, as well as Mohamed Bouhafsi, journalist at the program “C à vous”, and Nassira El Moaddem, journalist at “Arrêts sur images”, who also “recently received racist insults”. of a racist letter received by his mother “after the racist cyberharassment caused by the far-right MP @JulienOdoul”. The Society of Journalists Mediapart also gave his support to Karim Rissouli, “victim in turn of abject remarks”.

Political and media figures have also spoken out on the matter. “The liberation of racist speech in action”denounced LFI European MP Manon Aubry, supporting the “victims of this uninhibited racism”. “Since the announcement of the dissolution, we have witnessed a liberation of racist speech”, Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Ecologists.

“A wind of liberation blows in the minds where false hatreds macerate”declared La Licra, predicting “swampy tomorrows” in the event of a victory for the RN in the legislative elections.

Also read the portrait: Article reserved for our subscribers Karim Rissouli, the sense of nuance

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