The public relations consulting market “maintains its volume” in 2023 – Image

June 30, 2024 at 12:49 PM

The Public Relations Consulting Union (SCRP) unveils its annual study of activities carried out with the Occurrence firm.

The study tells us that the public relations consulting agency market will experience limited growth of 1% in turnover and 0% in gross margin in 2023. The profession is refocusing on its core expertise, with media relations now representing 50% of fees in the public relations consulting offering (+11 points vs. 2022). Companies in the sector are showing confidence in the future by investing steadily in their human resources, particularly through employee training. Growth is on the agenda for 58% of public relations consulting agencies, and 38% of members have significant growth of more than 5%. The overall payroll will increase by 4% between 2022 and 2023, mainly due to a salary increase. The average percentage increase in basic overall compensation is 6%.

Sustained investment in skills development and the integration of generative AI

Investment in team training almost doubled between 2022 and 2023, going from 2.13% to 4.13% of the payroll. One of the axes is training in generative AI. In fact, 78% of agencies say they use it for editorial assistance, 46% for visual creation assistance and 43% for support in developing strategies.



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