Nintendo assures that there will be enough consoles for everyone

Nintendo assures that there will be enough consoles for everyone
Nintendo assures that there will be enough consoles for everyone

In a question-and-answer session with investors, Nintendo’s president returned to the Japanese manufacturer’s next console.

Don’t rush. This is clearly Nintendo’s credo, in no hurry to release its new console. A time hoped for this year, the Switch 2 (whose name has not yet been confirmed) will arrive by March 2025. A delay assumed by the Japanese manufacturer who wants to protect itself from any shortage of consoles, as was the case for the first Switch when it was released.

When it was released in 2017, the console quickly sold out worldwide, making “scalpers” happy, resellers who buy in bulk to better resell by inflating prices.

Asked about this during a question-and-answer session with investors, Nintendo’s president was confident: “As a countermeasure against resale, we believe that the most important thing is to produce a sufficient number (of consoles, Editor’s note) to meet customer demand.”

“In addition, we are studying whether there are other measures that can be taken within the framework permitted by laws and regulations, taking into account the conditions in each region of the world,” Shuntaro Furukawa explained, according to comments relayed by IGN.

No component shortage in sight

Good news, the component shortages that have threatened the entire electronics industry since the pandemic appear to be behind us. “At this time, we do not believe that the component shortage will have a significant impact on the production of the successor model (to the Switch, Editor’s note)” notes the boss of Nintendo.

Little is known about the brand’s future console, but we can bet that Nintendo will seek to reproduce the success of its Switch: a console far from the power of the competition but less expensive and sufficiently stocked with original games to convince hundreds of millions of players. A strategy that is paying off since the Switch is well on its way to becoming the best-selling console of all time.

Thomas Leroy BFM Business journalist



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