Volotea launches a new route to Morocco

Volotea launches a new route to Morocco
Volotea launches a new route to Morocco

Two new destinations for Volotea from the Bordeaux-Mérignac platform. The airline announced the launch of a line to Marrakech from November 5, 2024, with two weekly rotations on Tuesdays and Sundays. A second line to Madrid will be open from November 6, 2024 with three flights per week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, reports Air Journal. Tickets for these destinations are already on sale on the Volotea website and on all distribution channels.

Read: Volotea launches a new route to Morocco

“We are very pleased to announce the launch of these new air connections from Bordeaux to Morocco and Spain. We strive daily to expand travel possibilities for our customers and are proud to be able to offer a destination in a new country from Bordeaux. A key base of our European network, Bordeaux Airport constitutes a real anchor point for Volotea. The development of this base reflects our strategy of being the airline of regional capitals, an essential link between Bordeaux, Europe and North Africa,” explains Gilles Gosselin, France Manager of Volotea.

Read: Volotea offers a new flight to Morocco

This year, Volotea plans to offer more than 900,000 seats, an increase of 17% compared to 2023. Meanwhile, Ryanair has announced the closure of its Bordeaux-Mérignac base next November. The Irish low-cost airline plans to stop its route to Marrakech on October 25 and to Madrid on October 26.



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