When will there be better regulation of furnished tourist accommodation

When will there be better regulation of furnished tourist accommodation
When will there be better regulation of furnished tourist accommodation

As these seasonal tourist rentals had to be occasional – and allow their owner to make ends meet -, very favorable taxation was granted to them.

Obviously, these tax advantages have reinforced the attractiveness of this formula. In the end, furnished tourist accommodation brings in, on average, three times more than a year-round rental subject to a lease, including in Paris where, however, average rents are particularly high.

A boon ! It should therefore come as no surprise that some of these furnished rentals are now purely commercial rentals, in short a business in its own right.

Often put in the dock, AirBnB argues, in its defense, that the vast majority of owners renting via its platform are temporary rentals..

The fact remains that investors or large owners are indeed well and truly positioned in this market. Some have, in Paris, for example, more than a hundred homes each, rented permanently. We are far from the original spirit.

Certainly, in France – and this is fortunate – the right to property has been, since 1789, an inviolable and sacred right.

On the other hand, it is not normal for professional rental companies – short term – to benefit from the same tax advantages as occasional rental companies.. And that they do not have the same constraints or the same tax burdens as year-round rental companies. Or that hotels]b. A b[unfaircompetitiondifficulttoaccept.



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