Housing for seasonal workers: where to look and what help to count on in the Paimpol sector?

Housing for seasonal workers: where to look and what help to count on in the Paimpol sector?
Housing for seasonal workers: where to look and what help to count on in the Paimpol sector?


Magali Lelchat

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 6:46 a.m.

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For the hiring of seasonal staffthe question of housing is essential.

In Paimpol and Côtes-d’Armor, organizations can help employers et employees.

Studios for young workers

In Paimpol, we knew the Young Workers Home became the Semaphore. Adjoining the Quinic residence, these premises belonging to Terres d’Armor Habitat are now managed by the association Sillage who rents them to the social landlord.

Young people aged 16 to 30 can be accommodated there. in professional activityin training or integration (youth engagement contract, CASCI, etc.).

Sémaphore also offers accommodation for catering employees.

You need resources, it is accommodation linked to employment, which does not mean that if the young person loses his job he must leave immediately

Lucie Morice, socio-educational worker
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The rent is 356 to 510 € depending on the size of the accommodation which ranges from 16 to 47 m2. The contract is for 24 months, with a security deposit of €220.

THE 28 fully equipped studios (with collective spaces and laundry) are all occupied but “there is a small waiting list and it evolves regularly” assures Lucie Morice who supports tenants on the administrative side, monitoring of accommodation etc.

Note that a facilitator, Emmanuel Roblès, is present at the residence 2.5 days a week.

Agricultural seasonal workers: get up to €600

It’s recent, seasonal agricultural workers, via Action Logement, can benefit from aid of up to €600 (€150 over four months).
It covers all types of accommodation (rental, private room, campsite, etc.).
Payment is fast and assistance can be obtained up to 6 months after starting the activity. Contact: 02 56 26 70 18, the file can also be completed online.

Owners: an exemption and registration

Nicolas Marrec, business advisor, and Audrey Madelaine, social law lawyer at CERFRANCE, informed the owners about their obligations fiscales.

As soon as you collect rent, you must make a declaration, it is a commercial activity, not professional, you need a Siret number and a declaration on the INPI website

This Siret number is issued within one to two weeks, the rental can begin avant obtaining it.

Owners can obtain a exoneration (152 €

Note that an employer who rents free of charge to social security contributions to be paid.

A T4 at the Champ de Foire

The social landlord Terras d’Armor Habitat provides a appartement T4 at the HLM du Champ de Foire. This is an experiment that has just started in partnership with the Sillage association. It will be offered as a priority to seasonal workers, colocation.

Rent : 340 € for two of the rooms and 350 for the third (charges comprises).

“If it goes well, we will develop the experience” indicate Lou Cosson and Annie Arnavault. It is also a way for the landlord to rent his large apartments which are currently in less demand.

Terres d’Armor Habitat holds a permanent Place Gambetta, by appointment (02 96 62 20 90). Note, in 2024, a single person can benefit from social housing from €2,075 net/month (€22,642 of reference tax income).

Social housing reserved thanks to Aline

The Action Logement association supports private sector employees in their mobility and housing, whether they belong to the general regime or to the agricultural sector.

This involves in particular

– Security deposit assistance in the form of interest-free loans.

– The association can also act as guarantor for a tenant for the benefit of a private lessor. “It is often a fear for an owner to end up with an unscrupulous tenant” notes Yvonnick Leclerre, territorial director.

– Finally, Action Logement, which participates financially in social housing programs, puts the Aline platform available to people looking for a social housing.

It is aimed at employees of private sector companies at least ten employees. You must first prepare a file with the social landlord. It will be transmitted to Action Logement where it acquires a “rank” through a rating system.

The applicant can then register on the Aline platform which will give them access to reserved social housing. In Paimpol, these accommodations are located Malabry. Contact: 02 56 26 70 18, the file can also be completed online.

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