#Médiacité employees close the shutter at 8 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. and are threatened with fines

June 24, 2024

Store employees at the Médiacité shopping center were threatened with fines on Friday evening after closing the shutters at 8 p.m., instead of 9 p.m., the unions report. An action which aims to protest against the late closing of their store, and which according to the employees harms their family life. The operators of the shopping center denounce an “abusive action”.

However, by closing the shutters at 8 p.m., the Médiacité staff would only have “respected the law”, according to Julien Dejon, permanent CNE for the commerce sector in the province of Liège. It is in fact at this time that night work begins in Belgium and it is prohibited in the commercial sector.

Friday evening, a bailiff came accompanied by the police explaining to the employees that they did not have the right to proceed in this way and threatening them with €1,000 fines if they did it again, explains the CNE. According to the union, Médiacité appealed to the court of first instance, claiming assault against its freedom to trade.

The CBRE real estate group claims an attack on property rights, freedom of trade and industry and the right to work. He considers that any obstruction of the access routes to the Médiacité shopping mall and to the stores constitutes an assault infringing these rights.

“It is on this basis that the union actions of the CNE were judged abusive by the court of first instance of Liège which prohibits any person from preventing or making impossible even partially access as well as the passage of staff and customers in any store in the Médiacité shopping center,” the group told the Belga agency. And to specify that the social inspection formally confirmed to them that working after 8 p.m. was legally possible.

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