Joël Viry reappointed president of Polymeris

Joël Viry reappointed president of Polymeris
Joël Viry reappointed president of Polymeris

The Polymeris rubber, plastics and composites competitiveness cluster held its general meeting on June 4, on the sidelines of the FIP show at the Groupama Stadium in Lyon. The board of directors, meeting on this occasion, elected new governance. At its head, Joël Viry, director of a new company, WiPack, inaugurates a mandate “ focused on innovation, sustainable development and the notion of multi-materials”. “ I sincerely thank the members and the board of directors for the renewal of their trust. I am enthusiastic about the idea of ​​launching this new phase of development of Polymeris with a governance team mobilized for the growth of the division by 2026! », declared Joël Viry during the event.

During his term of office, Joël Viry will be assisted by six vice-presidents:

· vice-president of SMEs: Olivier Perrier, general manager of Raigi
· vice-president of circular economy and green chemistry: Maxime Chantegraille, general manager of Addiplast
· vice-president of composites: Luc Uytterhaeghe, general director of IPC
· vice-president of rubbers: Raffaella Ciampa, general director of Elanova
· vice-president of plastics: Simon Gourgaud, director of public affairs at Polyvia
· vice-president research and academy: Jean-Claude Masteau, Syensqo

The office also includes a treasurer (Javier Olaiz, University of Lyon 1), a deputy treasurer (Richard Laucournet, CEA), a secretary (François Chaniot, Sacred) and an assistant secretary (Jean-Pierre Queslel, Michelin). It is made up of 14 members, representing various sectors of Polymeris innovation and covering the cluster’s priority issues, namely support for SMEs, academic collaboration, the circular economy, green chemistry and advanced materials.

Five SMEs, one mid-sized company, three large groups, two research centers, one university and two professional organizations are represented within the office.

The board of directors, made up of 20 industrialists, 8 research and training organizations, and 12 other members, also co-opted the University of Clermont-Auvergne and welcomed three new administrators:
• WiPack, design, design and production company for plastic bottles created in 2023 for the beauty, e-liquid and detergent markets.
• REP International, French manufacturer specializing in rubber injection presses, pasty and liquid silicones, as well as certain elastomers.
• Carnot Ingenierie@Lyon, a partnership research center which brings together research teams in the engineering sciences of systems, materials and innovative processes in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

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