The Mohammed VI Foundation for the social works of National Security officials launches a new electronic portal

The Mohammed VI Foundation for the social works of National Security officials launches a new electronic portal
The Mohammed VI Foundation for the social works of National Security officials launches a new electronic portal

Monday, June 10, 2024 at 1:57 p.m.

Rabat – The Mohammed VI Foundation for the social works of National Security officials has just launched a new electronic portal presenting a range of social and solidarity services for the benefit of Foundation members, in service or retired, their families and dependents right.

Developed to be an integrated means of digital communication, this electronic portal offers an interactive navigation experience allowing Foundation members to consult permanently and in real time, the services offered in the fields of health, entertainment and religion, as well as the conditions for benefiting from partnership agreements with commercial, banking and service institutions in sectors such as transport, tourism, communication and others.

This portal, accessible via the electronic address, also includes a set of sections on the activities organized by the Foundation as part of its annual program, in particular summer camps for the benefit of children and orphans of National Security officials, pilgrimage and excellence scholarships, in addition to a section to pay tribute to the martyrs of duty belonging to the police force.

The launch of this portal is part of the process of global modernization and strengthening of all social services intended for the National Security family, through the diversification of the social offer, particularly in the areas of health, housing, spiritual security, and entertainment, so as to offer National Security officials a stable social framework to encourage them to make greater efforts and dedication in the exercise of their functions in the service of the protection of the security of the homeland and citizens.



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