Facebook’s lame plan to bring young people back

Facebook’s lame plan to bring young people back
Facebook’s lame plan to bring young people back

Reading time: 2 minutes – Spotted on Mashable

In 2024, when it comes to social networks, even Let’s not even talk about Facebook, judged almost with disgust by members of Generation Z, most of whom have simply never created an account there. The social network is considered (rightly) as a den of aging people, who share stale memes or even totally grotesque or unhealthy creations generated by artificial intelligence (AI).

But Facebook has not said its last word, reports online media Mashable. In no way resolved to lie on the asphalt and let itself die, the network co-founded by Mark Zuckerberg has just developed a plan which aims to ensure its sustainability for “the next twenty years”. On May 31, in New York, several executives from the Meta group presented a strategy based on two main axes: targeting young people and optimizing the use of AI on the platform.

After “Boomerbook”

“We are still meant for everyone. MBut we must also recognize that to remain relevant, we must build for Generation Z., summed up Tom Alison, the head of Facebook. This begins by taking into account the crucial moments of adolescence and the transition to adulthood. For the boss of the Meta social network, belonging to this generation means crossing “a stage of one’s life during which one experiences a large number of important transitions: moving, going to university, finding one’s first job and one’s first apartment, forming a relationship, etc.”

During the presentation of around forty minutes which followed, Facebook representatives then explained the main axes of deployment of the social network for the years to come, based on the need “to find real people and real experts there” likely to share the language and issues of Generation Z.

During this presentation, the remuneration of content creators and the way in which tools using artificial intelligence could simplify the editing of photos and the writing of publications were also discussed. Which, Mashable points out, does not tell us how Facebook will manage to grab the youngest by the collar and convince them to register on this network nicknamed “Boomerbook” by an entire generation…

The observers present on site even explain that with such a presentation, Facebook could well have dug its own grave by showing that it had become the poor relation of Instagram and that its leaders were undoubtedly too old to really understand the aspirations of generation Z. The workshops offered (based on tote bags and selfie booths) seemed terribly dated. This is the characteristic of boomers: they are so convinced that they understand young people, even of still being young themselves, that they quickly become annoying.



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