Pornographic and violent content officially authorized on X, formerly Twitter

Pornographic and violent content officially authorized on X, formerly Twitter
Pornographic and violent content officially authorized on X, formerly Twitter

Rules clarified, and openly permissive. Pornographic and violent content is officially authorized by the X platform (formerly Twitter), reports the specialist site TechCrunch this Monday.

The platform, which already houses a lot of sensitive content, added new clauses to its rules of use this weekend. From now on, X users can publish violent or pornographic content there, as long as they are indicated as such – and this rule also applies to images and videos generated by artificial intelligence.

“You can share content that contains adult nudity and sexual acts, produced and distributed with the consent of the people depicted, as long as it is marked correctly and if it is not placed in highly visible areas (such as profile photos or banners)”, now indicates the dedicated page of the platform.

“We believe that users should be able to create, distribute and consume content related to sexual themes, as long as it is produced and distributed with the consent of the people depicted. Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression,” justifies the platform, which reserves access to content of the genre for users over 18 years of age who have indicated their date of birth on their profile.

Obscene content prohibited

However, content “that promotes exploitation, lack of consent, objectification, sexualization of minors or mistreatment of them, as well as obscene behavior,” remains prohibited, adds .

This formal authorization of adult content could allow X to position itself as a new content sharing site of the genre, suggests TechCrunch, which recalls that Elon Musk has already expressed his desire to test the hosting of content of this type on its platform.

As Reuters recalled in 2022, Twitter is one of the rare social networks that allows nudity. Around 13% of content shared on the platform was adult content, the site indicated the same year.

Violent content can also be shared on sexual violence,” indicates another dedicated page.

“X is a place where users can express themselves, show and discover what is happening and debate about international issues, often by sharing images and videos in the conversation,” explains the site. “On the other hand, explicit threats, incitement to violence, the apology of violence and the expression of desires for violence are prohibited,” warns the platform.



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