Bac Giang mobilizes resources for economic development

Bac Giang town, Bac Giang province (North). Photo: VNA

Bac Giang (VNA) – According to its Party Committee, after 5 years of implementation of Politburo Resolution No. 39-NQ/TW dated January 15, 2019 on improving the efficiency of management, exploitation, utilization and promotion of economic resources, Bac Giang province has achieved many results.

Bac Giang Province has strengthened the diversification of forms of resource mobilization and utilization, promoting resource mobilization in all social sectors, attracting foreign investment resources (FDI). Between 2019 and 2023, the province attracted 273 FDI projects and $7.9 billion, accounting for 69% of the total investment capital attracted so far.

Regarding human resources, by the end of 2023, the average population of Bac Giang Province reached more than 1.9 million people, an increase of about 31,800 people compared to 2022, ranking 11th in the country .

The province’s skilled labor rate in 2023 reached 76%, including 33% of workers with diplomas and certificates. Bac Giang is in the period of “golden demographic structure”, with favorable human resources – an important force that creates material wealth for society. In addition, the age group under 14 years old represents a high proportion, which is a condition for ensuring the human resources of the province during the next planning period.

Bac Giang has more than 389,589 hectares of natural land, of which nearly 301,630 hectares are agricultural land, accounting for 77.4%; 84,570 hectares of non-agricultural land, or 21.7%; The remaining 3,392 hectares are unused land, or 0.9%. The land fund of the province provides many favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, forestry and fishing. The agricultural lands of the province, apart from intensive rice cultivation, are also suitable for the cultivation of vegetables and fruit trees, the development of industrial and urban zones/clusters, services and tourism.

Recently, lending institutions in Bac Giang Province have implemented many solutions to support enterprises, cooperatives and family businesses to promote socio-economic recovery and development. Credit focuses on production and business sectors, priority areas. Outstanding credit debt in the province by 2023 reached 91.7 trillion VND.

According to Mai Son, permanent vice chairman of the Bac Giang Provincial People’s Committee, in the first quarter of 2024, the province’s GDP reached 14.18 percent, ranking first in the country.

In 2024, Bac Giang province targets a local GDP of 14.5%.

To achieve this goal, Bac Giang Province will continue to focus on eliminating bottlenecks that hinder development. The province will pay attention to the consolidation and development of growth engines associated with effective economic restructuring.

In addition, Bac Giang will continue to improve the investment and business environment, the quality of investment attraction; create conditions for the development of economic sectors, effectively use the state budget, efficiently mobilize and use resources, improve the quality of human resources; promote the application and development of science and technology. -VNA



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