Soon a 100% plant-based Nutella, but still with palm oil

Soon a 100% plant-based Nutella, but still with palm oil
Soon a 100% plant-based Nutella, but still with palm oil

the essential
Nutella is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. For the occasion, the Ferrero company announces the arrival of a range of 100% plant-based spreads.

A 100% plant-based Nutella. This is the promise made by the Italian giant Ferrero, at the origin of the flagship breakfast product, reports Libération. A new natural range will allow lactose intolerants and vegans to consume the spread.

The product should arrive next fall, only in Italy for the moment. Lactose-based ingredients will be replaced with plant-based elements.

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The patent for the new recipe has been filed with the Ministry of Business and the Made in Italy label. However, the replacement ingredients have not yet been revealed. “The most likely hypothesis is that it will be replaced by powdered soy milk which is very similar to powdered skimmed milk” supposes the Italian online media.

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Always palm oil

The objective is to “adapt to market demands”, according to the media Il Fatto Alimentare by creating a vegan product. However, the brand is still far from taking an ecological turn.

The original recipe is composed of sugar, hazelnuts, a little cocoa, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers and above all, 20% palm oil according to TF1info. The latter, partly responsible for deforestation as in Indonesia, is not contested by the Italian giant and will remain in force.



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