good news for your Bluetooth accessories

good news for your Bluetooth accessories
good news for your Bluetooth accessories

Apple’s new operating system will provide more openness to third-party applications, allowing them to benefit from the configuration system found on Airpods.

Set Up Accessory kit // Source : Apple

Launched on December 13, 2016, Airpods, in addition to offering a wireless listening system in the Apple ecosystem, opened the door to a new, simple and intuitive way to connect accessories. No more multiple clicks to access Bluetooth settings and pairing. Here, the system directly identifies the accessory when it is nearby and prompts the user to pair it. This functionality and speed of pairing expands with iOS 18 and will be available to third-party accessory makers for the first time.

A more intuitive connection

Called “Accessory Setup Kit”, this new function will allow third-party accessories to have the same configuration as Apple accessories such as AirPods or AirTags. As soon as your device running iOS 18 detects a compatible accessory, it will display a pop-up to the user to confirm pairing.

The system is intended to be intuitive, with a simple touch, it will be able to recognize the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity required by the accessory. Which indicates that users will no longer have to manually grant permissions individually on these functions. If we were dealing with a more complex pairing system, such as confirming a PIN code for example: iOS 18 could ask the user for this information without opening a new application. Once the object is paired, more information would be available in the new accessory menu present in the privacy settings.

A standardized experience

The advent of a feature like this is an economic boon for third-party accessory makers. By taking advantage of an integration system of the same level as those dedicated to official accessories, these manufacturers are entering a new market while allowing users to preserve their “Apple experience”. Of course, this feature will require various updates to the accessory apps, but also to the accessories themselves. All you have to do is be patient.

For the moment, iOS 18 is available in a beta version for developers. A public beta version should be released in July.



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