this employee was allegedly fired because of a GIF published in Teams

this employee was allegedly fired because of a GIF published in Teams
this employee was allegedly fired because of a GIF published in Teams

The CGT, which supports Loan Léton, called for a mobilization in front of the company this Friday, October 18. The union denounces repressive managerial practices and a desire to stifle any form of internal criticism. “ Turnover is very high at Concentrix. Two thirds of employees do not return after one year », he specifies, before mentioning “ the 10% of employees on sick leave until the end of the year », et « the 20% absenteeism ».

The GIF affair comes as a surprise in a tense social climate at Concentrix Compiègne. Since March, some staff have been on indefinite strike. Some employees are demanding better working conditions and salary increases. Loan Léton participated in this movement, which, according to the CGT, could explain the harshness of the sanction against him. The company explains that “ contrary to what has been claimed by certain trade union organizations, these dismissals are in no way linked to the reasons mentioned ».

The union also mentions two other cases of dismissals deemed unfair. An employee was reportedly fired for an outfit deemed “ indecent and vulgar »: jeans and a t-shirt revealing “ one centimeter of skin », According to Belinda Hafir. Another was allegedly fired for choosing her work desk.

Manon Mathieu, CGT elected official, establishes a link between these dismissals and an investigation into psycho-social risks carried out in the company. “ They agreed to testify and all three were later fired for completely bizarre reasons. We find it a strange coincidence that these three people, who testified to say that there were psycho-social risks in the company, today find themselves dismissed for reasons that we had not anticipated. never seen before “, she emphasizes.

Loan Léton, supported by his parents and the union, intends to challenge his dismissal before the industrial tribunal.



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