Why will the new electric Renault 5 never have a thermal version?

Electric car news

The new electric Renault 5 is getting a lot of attention, and for good reason. This iconic model is reborn in a 100% electric form, shaking up habits and sparking mixed reactions. However, this bold choice by Renault fits perfectly with the evolution of the automobile market and current environmental issues. Let’s dive behind the scenes of this strategic decision and discover why the electric R5 is so much more than just a car.

A platform designed for electric: the heart of innovation

The electric Renault 5 is based on the brand new AmpR Small platform, specially developed for electric vehicles. This revolutionary technical base offers numerous advantages:

  • Optimized interior space thanks to the absence of a transmission tunnel
  • Better weight distribution for exemplary handling
  • A increased energy efficiency thanks to a design dedicated to electricity

Unlike certain competitors who opt for modular platforms compatible with different engines, Renault has chosen a 100% electric architecture. This technical bias makes it possible to fully exploit the advantages of electric propulsion without compromise.

The integration of a thermal engine into the R5 would have required significant modifications to the structure, compromising the very DNA of the vehicle. By remaining faithful to its electric vision, Renault offers an R5 that is more spacious, more efficient and more efficient than a hybrid or thermal version would have been.

Performances that defy preconceived ideas

If some nostalgic people regret the absence of a characteristic roar, the performance of the electric R5 is there to change their minds. THE instant torque of the electric motor propels this city car with surprising vivacity:

  • Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in just 8 seconds for the 150 hp version
  • Rapid recovery thanks to the immediately available torque
  • Smooth and quiet driving in town and on the road

These dynamic characteristics far surpass those that a small gasoline engine could have offered. The electric R5 is thus positioned as a real sporty city carcapable of competing with much more powerful thermal models on paper.

In addition, electric technology makes it possible to integrate advanced features not possible with a thermal version:

  • V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) system to return energy to the network
  • Remote updates to improve performance
  • Customizable driving modes to adapt vehicle behavior

These technological innovations make the electric R5 a real high-tech concentrate on wheels, far from the outdated image that some might have of an electric city car.

An economical and ecological choice in the long term

Beyond performance, the electric R5 presents significant economic advantages for its future owners:

  • Reduced maintenance costs thanks to the mechanical simplicity of the electric motor
  • Fuel savings as electricity remains cheaper than gasoline
  • Advantageous taxation in many countries (ecological bonus, tax exemption, etc.)

On an environmental level, the choice of electric is obvious in the face of the climate emergency. With a reduced carbon footprint Throughout its life cycle, the electric R5 actively contributes to the ecological transition of the automotive sector.

The higher energy efficiency of the electric motor (more than 90% compared to 30 to 40% for a thermal engine) also helps limit energy waste. This optimization of resources fits perfectly into a sustainable development approach.

A response to the energy challenges of tomorrow

By opting for a 100% electric R5, Renault is anticipating the evolution of the energy mix and the scarcity of oil resources. Electricity offers incomparable flexibility in terms of production sources:

  • Renewable energies (solar, wind, hydraulic)
  • Nuclear, particularly important in the French mix
  • Possibility of self-consumption with domestic solar panels

This diversity of energy sources guarantees better resilience in the face of geopolitical and energy crises. The electric R5 is therefore part of a long-term vision of mobility, adapted to the challenges of the 21st century.

A bet on the future that redefines the automobile

Far from being a simple fad, the electric R5 embodies a true revolution in the automobile industry. By resurrecting an icon in a resolutely modern and ecological form, Renault demonstrates that electric power can be exciting, efficient and desirable.

This bold choice shakes up established codes and opens the way to a new era of automobiles. The electric R5 is not just a car, it is a rolling manifesto that proves that the future of mobility can be both responsible and exciting.

So rather than regretting a hypothetical thermal version, let yourself be seduced by this modern reinterpretation of an automotive myth. The electric R5 is much more than a car: it is a concentrate of innovation that redefines the standards of urban mobility for years to come.

Written by Philippe Moureau

Forty-year-old passionate about electric cars. I am interested in the energy transition and the fight against greenhouse gas emissions. I am a true electric car enthusiast and environmental advocate.

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