Cruisetelling By Costa, fun training for and by travel agents!

Cruisetelling By Costa, fun training for and by travel agents!
Cruisetelling By Costa, fun training for and by travel agents!

Since September 10, 2024, Costa Cruises has launched the Cruisetelling project on its Costa extra site, a fun and innovative microlearning program designed from the responses of a major survey bringing together reviews and responses from more than 1000 French travel agents.

As Aurélie Soulat, Sales Director Costa Croisières points out:
« Unlike traditional training, this program addresses key questions relating to the sale of cruises directly from the expertise of other travel agents: advice, explanations, tips. Everything is done to facilitate understanding and support in the sale of a Costa cruise. There is still a lot of education to share to make cruising even better known to the public and to do this, travel agencies are an essential channel. »

This experience immersive and innovative enables travel agents to become experts in selling Costa products, while learning to address potential customer objections.

Unlike traditional training programs, Cruisetelling takes a bottom-up approach. Each module addresses key questions relating to cruise sales, drawn directly from the expertise of travel agents. Their feedback made it possible to create a relevant, effective and attractive microlearning course.



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