“This relationship mainly served as…” Sophie Marceau evokes Jim Lemley, the father of her daughter Juliette, as rarely

“This relationship mainly served as…” Sophie Marceau evokes Jim Lemley, the father of her daughter Juliette, as rarely
“This relationship mainly served as…” Sophie Marceau evokes Jim Lemley, the father of her daughter Juliette, as rarely

Interviewed by Psychologies Magazine in January 2013, Sophie Marceau mentioned the father of her daughter Juliette born in 2002, Jim Lemley. With a certain detachment but not without tenderness, the actress confided: “This relationship mainly served as a transition in my journey. Which does not minimize its importance: he is still the father of my daughter! But above all, it allowed me to empower myself, to assert myself, to trust myself more. She gave me the strength and the desire to take matters into my own hands, in order to become a central pivot for others, for the family.

Following their meeting in 1999 on the set of the film The world is not enough, the pretty Sophie – separated from the Polish director Andrzej Żuławski with whom she was in a relationship for seventeen years and who is the father of her son Vincent, born July 24, 1995 – becomes the mother of a daughter with the producer but separated in 2007. That year the star of La Boum fell in love with Christophe Lambert, whom he met on the set of the film The Disappeared of Deauville. They separated in 2014.

Sophie Marceau has experienced several difficult breakups

On the breakup side, the 57-year-old actress explains: “I would like it to happen peacefully, of course, but honestly, I haven’t had a separation that went well. It hurts too much to break away from someone you loved, because you feel that you are losing a part of yourself, it’s not trivial…

For Sophie Marceau, the ultimate signal that indicates that one must separate from a partner is, against all expectations, “inner serenity”. “We are no longer in rage or hatred, but in a kind of imperturbable calm, and that is obvious. When we find ourselves in this state, we cannot cheat on ourselves. And that is worth for all the important decisions I have to make. I wait for the moment of confusion to pass. Then, slowly, the light arrives.she revealed with great wisdom.



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