Jura-North Vaudois, future showcase of Swiss wind power

Jura-North Vaudois, future showcase of Swiss wind power
Jura-North Vaudois, future showcase of Swiss wind power

Published on September 23, 2024 at 5:56 p.m. / Modified on September 24, 2024 at 11:14 a.m.

It was a close-fought victory, but its impact extends far beyond the borders of the canton of Vaud. On September 22, the population of the small northern Vaudois village of Bullet gave its approval by 51% (196 yes to 174 no) to the Grandsonnaz park. The project involves the construction of 15 wind turbines on the Jura ridges east of Chasseron. Although close, this favorable vote contrasts with other results from Sunday. In the Bernese Jura, the voters of Sonvilier rejected (by 53.6% of voters) the Quatre Bornes park, straddling Bern and Neuchâtel, which had a famous opponent in the person of the former skier Didier Cuche. Finally, on the outskirts of Fribourg, the inhabitants of Belfaux literally swept aside the launch of a study by 78.6%.

Bullet also experienced an electric campaign, not to say virulent, with each camp accusing the other of peddling lies. “The last month has been tough,” admits one of the wind farm’s supporters, Jean-Franco Paillard, a local figure who was the trustee of Bullet for nearly thirty years. In his eyes, it was the seriousness of a project launched in 2007 that made the difference. “We obtained the agreement of all the owners and negotiated with many stakeholders such as, for example, the Swiss Alpine Club,” says the PLR ​​MP. Led by the company Ennova, a subsidiary of the Services industriels de Genève (SIG), the project was quickly reduced, going from 21 to 15 masts, avoiding the Chasseron and the Rasses ski area.

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