For entrepreneurs, I’AGIPI. A competition for committed entrepreneurs, up to €25,000 in prizes!

For entrepreneurs, I’AGIPI. A competition for committed entrepreneurs, up to €25,000 in prizes!
For entrepreneurs, I’AGIPI. A competition for committed entrepreneurs, up to €25,000 in prizes!

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Participating is already moving forward

For its first edition, the AGIPI competition has one ambition: to boost the entrepreneurial future of its participants with a 100% digital process, accessible to all eligible entrepreneurs, project leaders and business creators. The opportunity to gain visibility and develop a network through exclusive meetings and events. For each category, the winners will see their project awarded €25,000, a media pack for its promotion on social networks and a one-year life insurance contract to move forward with complete peace of mind. The runners-up will win a prize of €10,000, and the third-place finishers a prize of €5,000.

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Three prizes for one competition

The AGIPI competition is not one but three prizes! The Women’s Journey category highlights the exceptional career paths of women entrepreneurs. The Hopes for Care prize highlights initiatives that improve the patient’s journey or the working conditions of medical professionals. As for the Future and Transition category, it rewards original, bold projects that stand out for their social or environmental impact, their excellence, or their promises. Categories that meet the pillars of commitment of the association, which has been defending major societal, social and environmental causes for almost fifty years.

AGIPI, an association like no other

Founded in 1976 by and for self-employed people and professionals, AGIPI aims to help those who are not (or not sufficiently) protected, with insurance products adapted to their needs. A vocation driven by a culture of constant innovation, in order to adapt solutions to evolving risks. The association now has 752,950 members, 52% of whom are women, 100,000 caregivers, and 50% of whom are self-employed.

AGIPI present in the South-East

In May 2024, the PACA region had more than 7,700 new businesses and compared to May 2022 in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, creations had increased by 5.3%¹. Since 2022, AGIPI has been organizing tailor-made events to highlight entrepreneurs. Recently, AGIPI was present in and Aix-en-Provence, alongside its partners: the Femmes Business Angels network and the Les Premières Sud incubator, to support the development of female entrepreneurship. An opportunity to recall some stark figures: in , 62% of women admit to having missed a professional opportunity because they lacked self-confidence, 51% because they did not dare to take a risk².

How does it work?

  • August 26 to September 30: submission of applications via ourform
  • October 15 : information to candidates of their selection
  • October 16 to October 25 : submission of videos of selected projects
  • October 25 to 1er December : selection of winners by members and public vote
  • December 5th : Announcement of the winners

> Apply now!


² Source: Economic barometer, March 2024 – Odoxa for AGIPI, Challenges and BFM Business.

Content designed and offered by EBRA inspirationswith AGIPI



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