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This tip for less than 15 euros is more practical and more economical

This tip for less than 15 euros is more practical and more economical
This tip for less than 15 euros is more practical and more economical

Originally, using an internet box was an essential way to have internet at home. The problem is that it is not always a very well optimized device. It is heavy, it heats up, it monopolizes a socket… in short, if we could do without it, that would be good.

Fortunately, progress can’t be stopped! Today, we present you with a much more practical way to have internet at home, without an internet box!

Why are internet boxes less popular?

When you think about it, using a box to have an internet connection at home also means facing several inconveniences.

First, there are the commissioning costsdecoder activation or even fiber installation (if it is a fiber offer) which are added. Billed at the time of subscription and imposed by the operator to cover technical, administrative and installation costs, these additional costs are high (and unavoidable). Generally located between Approximately €29 to €50, they vary depending on the subscription offers or operators.

Another inconvenience: the commitment. With the exception of low-cost boxes, almost all fixed internet packages are subject to a commitment period. So, if you want to cancel your package before the end of this commitment period, you will have to pay termination fees to your operator. These fees also vary depending on the operator but are on average between Around 40 and 60€.

As if all this were not enough, if you cancel your subscription or simply change operator, you will have to return the installed equipment to your home ! In short, a chore we could do without…

Luckily for you (and your wallet), we have a much more economical and practical solution to avoid having to deal with all these constraints!

A more economical and yet little-known tip

What if the solution was in your pocket? Today, all smartphones are equipped with mobile hotspot technology that allows you to share your connection. Basically, the device will transform the mobile data it receives into a Wi-Fi connection that any device can connect to. Your smartphone can now become a mobile internet box.

To ensure that your smartphone is able to handle your home’s internet needs, you need to subscribe to a plan with a sufficient number of gigabytes. Opting for a 300 GB subscription can therefore be a very interesting solution, and one of our editors has tested life without an internet box for you.

Having your smartphone as an internet provider, it is THE economical solution par excellence. Why? Simply because a mobile internet subscription is generally 5 to 10€ cheaper than a basic internet offer. But then, who allows you to get 300 GB at very attractive prices? At the moment, these three operators are the most generous with 300 GB at 14.99€:

Be careful, this mode of operation can still have flaws and will not suit all profiles. If you are, for example, more than two people using connected devices simultaneously at home, your connection sharing may not be enough and you may lose internet speed. Of course, it is up to you to evaluate whether it is more advantageous in terms of price (and uses) to take an internet box or an unlimited mobile plan.



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