Local Authorities: budget surplus up by 4.5 billion dirhams in one year

Local Authorities: budget surplus up by 4.5 billion dirhams in one year
Local Authorities: budget surplus up by 4.5 billion dirhams in one year

The execution of the budgets of local authorities (CT) in Morocco revealed an overall surplus of 12 billion dirhams (MMDH) at the end of August 2024, against 7.5 MMDH a year earlier, according to the General Treasury of the Kingdom (TGR). This surplus, including a positive balance of 1.779 MMDH from special accounts and annexed budgets, is intended to cover the expenses incurred for the year 2024. The ordinary revenues of the CTs reached 34.3 MMDH, up 9.1% compared to the same period in 2023, thanks to an increase in transferred revenues, managed by the State, and those managed directly by the CTs.

On the ordinary expenditure side, these amounted to 16.8 billion dirhams, marking an increase of 3.1%, mainly due to the increase in expenditure on goods and services as well as interest charges on the debt. The cumulative overall surpluses of the CTs since previous years reach 62.5 billion dirhams, making it possible to cover programmed and unpaid commitments, as well as current expenditure for 2024. The municipalities contribute to 59.5% of these overall surpluses.



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