A painting returned to the Musée d’Orléans

A painting returned to the Musée d’Orléans
A painting returned to the Musée d’Orléans

When the sellers of a painting which was going to be offered at an auction organized by Matthieu Semont, in Orléans, told him that a similar painting was mentioned in the catalog raisonné of the artist’s work, the one -he immediately notified the Musée d’Orléans where the latter was deposited by the FNAC (Fonds national d’art contemporain) and had disappeared between 1961 and 1978, the date of the proofing which noted its absence. It was not difficult to see that it was in fact one and the same painting, and it was immediately returned by the sellers in good faith.

1. Louis Neilot (1898-1973)

Undergrowth in Bellevue1935

Oil on canvas – 66 x 81 cm

Orléans, Museum of Fine Arts

Photo: Phillocale-Matthieu Semont

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