With “Via Bali”, the Plérinais Ollivier Ruca delivers a social and political thriller

With “Via Bali”, the Plérinais Ollivier Ruca delivers a social and political thriller
With “Via Bali”, the Plérinais Ollivier Ruca delivers a social and political thriller

“You criticize politics, but you don’t propose anything. » It was this reflection heard in the mouth of a friend, before the covid period, which led Ollivier Ruca (Ollivier Boquen in civilian life) to take up the pen to write a bill for the overhaul of society, transmitted to politicians. “It includes in particular a requirement for clear separation of multinationals and the State; or the taxation of machines, and not of salaries,” he explains. And adds with a smile: “I know, it’s a bit utopian.”

“Via Bali”, an investigation into a kidnapping

However, it is this theme which is at the heart of the latest work of the Plerian author, whose humanity also shines through in the texts of his show “Ruca en songs”.

“However, if “Via Bali” asks real questions about the future of humanity, this book remains a thriller, which can be read (easily) like a thriller,” insists Ollivier Ruca. By posing the pitch: “It is about the kidnapping of a billionaire, Laure Pailleure, by an ultra-left group. A cop on the verge of retirement, Gérard Mantué, will launch himself into the investigation…”

Two more on track

An investigation that will lead him to Bali, in a setting that Ruca knows well. “In 1990, I took a turn in my professional life. While publishing thirteen novels, essays and collections of short stories and poetry, I founded an import-export store in Coëtmieux, aptly named Via Bali,” he recalls.

When the time for retirement came, his literary thirst remained more intense than ever. “Desseins de vie”, a collection of his texts, illustrated by the painter Jean-Pierre Petit, should be released in December 2024. “I am also preparing, for the end of 2025, a historical novel on Akhenaten, Egyptian pharaoh. »


“Via Bali” published by La Bruyère, €23; on order in bookstore or internet platform. Signing session, this Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the literary café “Chez nous comme chez vous”, 1 rue Saint-François in Saint-Brieuc.




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