Mauléon-Barousse. Sabrina Dollé-Jacottin signs her latest book

Mauléon-Barousse. Sabrina Dollé-Jacottin signs her latest book
Mauléon-Barousse. Sabrina Dollé-Jacottin signs her latest book

Sabrina Dollé-Jacottin recently launched her new book, Miroir écorché, during heritage day at the Maison des Sources in Mauléon-Barousse. Being from this town, she wanted to offer the first of her work to the inhabitants. These dedications took a particularly emotional turn for her. Indeed, she had the chance to reunite with childhood friends whom she had not seen for almost thirty years. “Incredible to reunite with childhood friends and go back in time on the path of memories, telling anecdotes and stories from the village of Mauléon-Barousse. An intense day with passionate discussions that weave unforgettable moments”, a- she shared enthusiastically. In addition to Frayed Mirror, which is a gripping thriller, Sabrina also presented her other works, including

In the shadow of my heart,

a book intended for dreamers and romantics, as well as Rouge Ardent, which was awarded by the Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters of . This day was not only an opportunity to celebrate his new book, but also to reconnect with his past and his community.



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