A Call from the Void

A Call from the Void
A Call from the Void

Contact Photo in Brooklyn presents A Call from the Voidan exhibition of Joseph Rovegno et Alexandria Barcenas.

A Call of the Void refers to a psychological phenomenon: a fleeting and inexplicable desire to face one’s own mortality by stepping into the unknown. For Joseph Rovegno and Alexandria Barcenas, this idea does not resonate as a call to self-destruction but as an awareness of the universal human experience of the desire for escape and transformation. Their collaborative project explores this phenomenon through contrasting photographic approaches.

Rovegno’s raw, monochrome and deconstructed images are juxtaposed with Barcenas’ immaculate, serene and delicately composed works. Although they work independently, their photographs exchange in harmony, forming a coherent dialogue about self-regard and the search for meaning.

Rovegno and Barcenas are New York-based artists and co-founders of LOOK Publishing, a small-edition artists’ book publisher that produces handmade books.

This two-artist exhibition features the collaborative and individual works of Joseph Rovegno and Alexandria Barcenas. This exhibition explores the intersection between image and object, using alternative photographic processes and material experimentation to reimagine the genre of landscape.

A Call from the Void is on view at Contact Photo, 51 Porter Ave., Brooklyn, until February 1, 2025. A handmade catalog accompanies the exhibition.




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