VIDEO. Rodez: for Shéhérazade Dupray, young actress, the dream of climbing the steps of the Cannes festival

VIDEO. Rodez: for Shéhérazade Dupray, young actress, the dream of climbing the steps of the Cannes festival
VIDEO. Rodez: for Shéhérazade Dupray, young actress, the dream of climbing the steps of the Cannes festival

The adopted Ruthenian, aged 21, is preparing a short film intended to be presented at the next Cannes Film Festival.

While the Croisette has put away its famous red carpet and seen its stars and glitter disappear, the Cannes Festival has not yet finished making people dream. And before the general public discovers the favorites and disappointments of this 77e edition in cinemas, in Rodez, a young woman is already working hard to get noticed in 2025… This is Shéhérazade Dupray, a 21-year-old from Tarnais who preferred the Aveyron prefecture to her homeland to install. And above all, work on his project: “Azur”, a short film intended for the next Cannes jury before, perhaps, being shown on major platforms. In any case, Scheherazade knows where she is going.


For this project, a little crazy let’s say it because to shine, an envelope of €100,000 will be necessary, the Ruthenoise has surrounded herself with what she calls the “Young Talents Cannes”. Understand young actors from all over the world and especially “charismatic people”insists the screenwriter, producer… and even future main actress of her short film: Shéhérazade Dupray likes to play several roles.

With “Azur”, she promises “a new lease of life in cinema with a unique and elegant story, in collaboration with the biggest fashion houses.” Without betraying the scenario, written jointly by the Ruthénoise and one of her friends, the pitch of the short film could be as follows: on the Côte d’Azur, a fashion icon embarks on an adventure after the death of one of his loved ones…

“Above all, I want it to be beautiful, unique, with perfect light”, reveals Scheherazade again. Filming is scheduled to begin in September in Nice. Several actors are already ready: the Ukrainian actress Vladyslava Garkusha, or the Franco-Japanese Kohtaro Kawagashi… To be continued. And as the Ruthénoise confides: “I want to show that we, young people, and especially women, are capable of achieving wonderful things. Unfortunately, we too often associate youth with amateurism…”

Website: Young talents Cannes. Online prize pool on Leetchi.


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