Stéphane Plaza: M6 supports its presenter, his collaboration with the channel is far from over!

Stéphane Plaza: M6 supports its presenter, his collaboration with the channel is far from over!
Stéphane Plaza: M6 supports its presenter, his collaboration with the channel is far from over!

Stéphane Plaza has been in turmoil since several women testified against him in September 2023 for acts of violence to our colleagues at Mediapart. Since these revelations, last September, denied by the comedian’s lawyer, several people have come to his defense, including Laurent Ruquier. The presenter of Grosses têtes, on RTL, had assured Puremédias that he had not “no doubt about his integrity” and specified that“we have seen lots of cases of the same type which were subsequently contradicted by the interested parties themselves.” He concluded that“we must leave (him) alone so that he can defend himself from these accusations.” Stéphane Plaza will be tried this summer by the criminal court for violence against two former partners, violence which he forcefully refutes.

Placed under judicial supervision following the hearing before the judge of freedoms and detention, he A ban on contact with the complainants and an obligation of care was also imposed as part of this judicial review. M6 has always supported its collaborator and did so again on Wednesday, June 26, during its major back-to-school conference. The channel confirmed that it would continue its collaboration with the host. Guillaume Charles, general director of programs, said: “On continue [à travailler avec lui]. An internal investigation on Stéphane Plaza was carried out. It showed nothing. There is a legal procedure underway, we are also waiting to know what will happen.”. And to continue, specifying that new unpublished filming is in progress with the host: “It is important that there is freedom of speech, but it is important that there is a presumption of innocence. We will adapt if there is anything but, today , we collaborate with him”.

Stéphane Plaza is on all fronts

Last November, Nicolas de Tavernost, the boss of M6 at the time, confided on BFM Business: “We commissioned an internal investigation inside M6 with all the people who work with Stéphane Plaza. The same thing was done at Mediawan. These two investigations did not yield any results. no element that would justify a sanction against Stéphane Plaza. Since the group, remains very happy with the audiences of the unreleased and the rebroadcasts so many House for sale that of Looking for an apartment or house including an unpublished one will be broadcast this Friday June 28 on Channel Six with Awan, a participant of The Voice, in prime time. Filming continues for Stéphane Plaza’s hit show while other new episodes will soon be broadcast.

On the other hand, last Saturday, June 15, France 3 was able to congratulate itself on its very good audience figures – leading the evening’s audience figures – with more than 3.2 million viewers, in prime time, for the rebroadcast of the TV film Murder in Figeac, in which Stéphane Plaza plays Olivier, while M6 broadcast the Euro match between Italy and Albania. Also, every Saturday morning, the host continues to offer, on RTL, his real estate column until the end of the month, knowing that his show will be back at the start of the school year and has been signed again until ‘at the end of the year.

Stéphane Plaza remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is charged until the case is closed.



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