Sandrine Kiberlain reacts to the accusations against Edouard Baer

Sandrine Kiberlain reacts to the accusations against Edouard Baer
Sandrine Kiberlain reacts to the accusations against Edouard Baer

Sandrine Kiberlain does not want to mix the accusations against Edouard Baer and the entire #MeToo movement. While speaking in “La Tribune du Dimanche” on the upheavals caused by the feminist wave in French cinema, the actress and director briefly addressed the subject of the accusations recently made against Edouard Baer, ​​57 years old.

In an investigation of Mediapart And Cheek Magazine, six women accuse the actor and director of sexual assault and “inappropriate” attitudes. He vigorously denied it, while apologizing to those who might have been displeased by his behavior.

“I love Edouard too much to reduce him to what he is accused of. And even talking about it, I find that it is giving it too much importance. He knew how to apologize very well himself, what he said spoke volumes, he is intelligent,” says Sandrine Kiberlain.

On #MeToo, the 56-year-old actress assures: “I think it’s great that tongues are loosening. It’s a miracle for our daughters, for us. I obviously feel very concerned, grateful, towards the women who had the courage to testify. It is a chance.” On the other hand, she fears the perverse effects of media denunciation. “This media relentlessness is terrifying, it ruins good people while the presumption of innocence is not for dogs,” she recalls.



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