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This town in hosts the French chainsaw carving championship

This town in hosts the French chainsaw carving championship
This town in Sarthe hosts the French chainsaw carving championship


Thomas Cherbonnel

Published on

Sep 20, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

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During the agricultural show of the Pays de Brûlon (in ) a major event should attract curiosity, near Vègre and Champagne SpaceThis is the final of the French chainsaw carving championship.

But how did the organizers of the show manage to bring such an event to Brûlon? “Two years ago, when we decided to relaunch the show with the help of Maximilien Ternilwe had brought in a wood sculptor,” recalls Benjamin Genot THE president of the comice association.

And that’s when they decided “with nerve” to inform a member of the Burnon candidacy the association organizing the French championship.

Two days of competition

The proposal hits the mark. Benjamin Genot and his entire team of volunteers then set to work to ensure the hosting of the competition. And for some time now, posters announcing the event have been appearing in various places in the town.

This French championship final will bring together The 12 best French sculptors.

Three statues will be made throughout the weekend. The competitors will create a sculpture around the theme during the two days Tales and Legends of our Countrysides. Two “sprint” sessions will take place during the weekend around ecology and the environment.

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“The tests will take place between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., on Saturday and Sunday. The jury’s deliberation will take place on Sunday evening. at 5:30 p.m., 6 p.m. “, explains Benjamin Genot.

Three internationals in demonstration

“In addition to this competition, we brought in three internationals to demonstrate,” the president said.

For the organizers, it is an event that is out of the ordinary.

The evolution of the wooden log is impressive. It is truly an animation where young and old will have their artistic eye take over. When you have 12 sculptors working at the same time, it is impressive.

Benjamin Genot, president of the Brûlon comice association

The sculptures will be on sale

“It costs us about 35,000 euros to host the French championships,” notes Benjamin Genot. The association can count on partners such as the town of Brûlon and the Ternil sawmill. The latter supplies the wood for an estimated value “at 10,000 euros “.

To cover the costs, the sculptures made during the weekend will be on sale after the French championship.

The money raised will go to the association of the comice. “It’s a way to cover our expenses,” explains Benjamin Genot. It will take between 500 and 2,000 euros to buy one of the sculptures made. “These are statues that are worth 5,000 to 6,000 euros “no problem,” notes the Brûlonnais.

To purchase sculptures, you must contact the Brûlon town hall.

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