Filomena Pucci offers a ceramics course Donner Forme – Medialot

It includes ten meetings, which will take place from October to December.

At the end of September, a ceramics course with the evocative name, Donner Forme, will begin in Cahors.

The course includes ten meetings, which will take place from October to December, in the ceramicist’s laboratory not far from the cathedral. Filomena Pucci will teach the basic techniques of ceramics, but not only that. During each session, in fact, the participants will be led to perceive their own sensations and intuitions.

The ceramicist, already the author of two books on self-expression, suggests clay as a medium to experience transformation. “Clay teaches patience, we can transform what we don’t like. Or start all over again if we are ready to work to return to pure earth.”

The Donner Forme course is for everyone, beginners and more initiated, teenagers and adults. It allows you to learn how to create a ceramic object, but also to know your own creativity, stay in touch with yourself and observe what the creation of your own hands tells you. Give shape to ceramics but also to yourself.

The course will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. An introductory session is planned for those interested.

> Prices and availability, by contacting:

Atelier Filomena Pucci, 2 rue Olivier de Magny, Cahors

Tel: 06 18 01 19 36

Instagram: Filomena.ceramiche

Photo DR



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