Maghreb: bad news, this country is now among the…

Maghreb: bad news, this country is now among the…
Maghreb: bad news, this country is now among the…

This Maghreb country should very soon appear among the kings of wheat imports on a global scale, it is Morocco.

Indeed, according to forecasts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), this North African country should appear in the top six (06) of global wheat importers in 2024.

Based on the organization’s forecasts, Morocco’s wheat imports are expected to increase significantly by 19% in 2024.

With this significant increase, the country’s imports are expected to reach 7.5 million tonnes this year.

This increase in wheat imports should make it possible to compensate for the sharply reduced national harvest.

It is important to note that national production in this Maghreb country has seen a drastic decline.

Indeed, local production this year is estimated at around 40% less than the previous year (2023).

The national wheat harvest should therefore be at a level below average, i.e. 2.5 million tonnes.

With these new data, the Kingdom of Morocco is expected to occupy sixth place in the world among wheat importers in 2024.

In its report on global food forecasts, the FAO highlights that this increase in Moroccan imports will constitute a significant part of the overall increase in import demand in Africa, which is expected to grow by 2.2% to reach a record 55 .6 million tonnes.

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