in Germany, Olaf Scholz suffers a snub, the far right second

in Germany, Olaf Scholz suffers a snub, the far right second
in Germany, Olaf Scholz suffers a snub, the far right second
RALF HIRSCHBERGER / AFP European elections 2024: in Germany, behind the conservatives, the far right inflicts a snub on Scholz (Photo by AFD co-leader Tino Chrupalla on June 9, 2024)


European elections 2024: in Germany, behind the conservatives, the far right inflicts a snub on Scholz (Photo by AFD co-leader Tino Chrupalla on June 9, 2024)

EUROPEAN – Sanction vote across the Rhine during the European elections this Sunday June 9. As early as 6 p.m. after the closing of polling stations in Germany, the first estimates were communicated based on so-called “exit polls”.

If unsurprisingly, the conservative CDU-CSU party is in the lead with 30%, thus exceeding its score in 2019, it is the second arrival which attracts attention. The far right represented by the AFD (Alternative for Germany) collected 16% of the votes, thus passing the social democrats of the SPD (14%) who suffer from the unpopularity of Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

For him, this is the worst score ever recorded by this party for this election. In 2019, he had already suffered a historic defeat with 15.8% of the vote. “It’s a very bitter result for us”declared Kevin Kuehnert, general secretary of the SPD, adding that his party would have to look into the reasons for the weak mobilization of its supporters.

The two other parties in the government coalition, the Greens and the Liberals (FDP), respectively obtained between 12 and 12.5% ​​for the first and 5% for the second. The Greens are experiencing a marked decline compared to the 2019 election where they obtained 20.5%.

Historical score »

The correspondent of World evokes a “ historical score » for the AFD which takes 5.5 points more compared to 2019.

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The nationalist party hoped to break through and assert itself as a second political force for these European elections, despite the escapades of its head of list Maximilian Krah. His recent statement that an SS man was “not not automatically a criminal” caused the AFD to be excluded from the Identity and Democracy group in the European Parliament, where it sat with the National Rally.

The country, which sends the largest contingent of elected officials to Brussels (96 MEPs compared to 81 for France), experienced a tense campaign marked by the violent attack on a campaigning MEP.

The far right in the lead in Austria

In Austria too, the far right is taking the lead since the FPÖ came out on top at the end of the vote, according to exit polls.

He is credited with 27% of the votes, becoming the most important political force in the Alpine country for the first time.

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