European Parliament: More than 90% attendance rate: very diligent Luxembourgers

European Parliament: More than 90% attendance rate: very diligent Luxembourgers
European Parliament: More than 90% attendance rate: very diligent Luxembourgers

Marc Angel, Charles Goerens, Tilly Metz, Monica Semedo, Isabel Wiseler-Lima and Martine Kemp are the six outgoing MEPs and the least we can say is that they were not idle during the last legislature of the European Parliament (2019-2024).

Firstly, by their attendance: all have more than 90% attendance rate over the 269 plenary sessions at the European Parliament. With a special mention for the socialist Marc Angel (96%) and the liberal Charles Goerens (96%). The other MEPs also showed a very good presence: 92% for the ecologist Tilly Metz, 93% for Monica Semedo (ex-DP who became Fokus), 95.5% for the CSV Isabel Wiseler-Lima.

The latest arrival, the Christian socialist Martine Kemp, has only been absent two sessions out of 32 since November 9, the date of her entry into the European Parliament, representing a participation rate of nearly 94% (Editor’s note: she replaced Christophe Hansen, entered the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies).

MEPs worked on numerous subjects and were rapporteurs on 13 occasions. Charles Goerens is the most prolific (five times rapporteur), ahead of Isabel Wiseler-Lima (3), Monica Semedo, Tilly Metz (2) and Marc Angel (1). Too recently arrived, Martine Kemp has not yet been rapporteur.

The Luxembourgers in place wear several hats in the European Parliament: they are present as incumbents in nine committees, or almost half (20). Some are even members of two commissions like Marc Angel, Tilly Metz and Monica Semedo. Charles Goerens is even vice-president of the Constitutional Affairs Commission.

Marc Angel is also one of the 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament and can replace the president if necessary. He is in fact a member of the Bureau of the European Parliament which sets the operating rules of the institution. Note that Isabel Wiseler-Lima is also part of this Office since she is one of the five quaestors, responsible for questions which directly affect MEPs (organization, conflicts, etc.).



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