Gaza War: Netanyahu says plan to end war includes ‘destruction’ of Hamas

Gaza War: Netanyahu says plan to end war includes ‘destruction’ of Hamas
Gaza War: Netanyahu says plan to end war includes ‘destruction’ of Hamas

IIsrael warned on Saturday that the “conditions” for achieving a “permanent ceasefire” in Gaza had not changed in the Israeli plan and include the “destruction” of Hamas as well as the “release of all hostages” retained, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office said on Saturday.

“Under the proposal, Israel will continue to insist that these conditions be met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The idea that Israel will accept a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are met is doomed to failure,” said this press release, the day after the presentation of an Israeli road map by American President Joe Biden, almost eight months after the start of the war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist movement.

This Friday, American President Joe Biden spoke to discuss the situation in Palestine. It indicated in particular that a new ceasefire agreement had been proposed by Israel, which also indicated that it stood ready to withdraw its troops from Gaza for six weeks.

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“It is time for this war to end”: Joe Biden on Friday called on Hamas to accept a three-step plan towards the end of the war in Gaza proposed by Israel, based on an initially temporary ceasefire, accompanied by the release of the hostages.

The first phase would be a total ceasefire, with a withdrawal of Israeli troops from “inhabited areas of Gaza”, for a period of six weeks. The cessation of fighting, again according to the 81-year-old democrat, would be accompanied by the release of certain Israeli hostages, notably women and the sick, and the release of Palestinian prisoners. This temporary ceasefire could become “permanent” if the Palestinian movement “respects its commitments”, added Joe Biden, calling on Hamas to “accept” the proposed agreement.

Hamas favorable

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas judged late Friday evening “positive” the new proposal for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip associated with the release of hostages, according to a press release.

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“Hamas views positively what was included in US President Joe Biden’s speech today regarding a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, reconstruction and the exchange of prisoners », indicated the Palestinian Islamist movement in this press release.



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