Google abandons infinite scrolling of search results

Google abandons infinite scrolling of search results
Google abandons infinite scrolling of search results

Google regulars may find their search engine a little transformed in the coming days. The company will in fact put an end to the infinite scrolling of its results, to return to more traditional pagination.

Casually, it’s a big upheaval – one more – that Google will inflict on Internet users. Infinite scrolling of search results is in fact on the sidelines, a little less than three years after being imposed on everyone. Scrolling replaced traditional paging on mobile in October 2021, then in December 2022 on desktop.

The return of pagination

A Google spokesperson explained to Search Engine Land that scrolling began to bow out on the desktop version on Tuesday, June 25; on mobile, the disappearance of this function will be effective in the coming months. At the bottom of the page you will find encrypted pagination and a “Next” (desktop) or “More results” (mobile) button.

This change is supposed to allow Google to provide results “ faster for more searches “, instead of automatically loading results that users have not explicitly requested. The disappearing automatic loading of results has not generated greater satisfaction among Google Search users, the company also claims.

However, this should not be too disruptive for ordinary users who are generally satisfied with the list of results displayed on their browser screen, whether on a computer or a smartphone. On the other hand, websites relegated to the second page will be even more invisible than today: infinite scrolling gave them a small chance of being spotted and clicked.

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Source :

Search Engine Land



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