Israel-Hamas war: Attack on ‘safe’ zone in Rafah shows total disregard for civilian lives

Israel-Hamas war: Attack on ‘safe’ zone in Rafah shows total disregard for civilian lives
Israel-Hamas war: Attack on ‘safe’ zone in Rafah shows total disregard for civilian lives

“On the night of May 26, 180 injured and 28 dead people were brought to the stabilization center supported by MSF teams in Tal al Sultan, following Israeli airstrikes,” says the humanitarian organization. “Women and children were among these people. Once again, it is civilians who are paying the price of this war,” said MSF emergency coordinator in Gaza, Samuel Johann. All patients were stabilized and transferred to nearby field hospitals, MSF said in its press release.

However, the health system has been “decimated” and no hospital in Gaza can cope alone with an event causing so many victims, MSF continues in a press release.

Israeli strikes in Rafah camp continue in intensity despite condemnations, Gaza Civil Defense announces 21 dead

“Civilians are pushed into areas they thought were safe, but they are (…) massacred,” insisted the secretary general of Doctors Without Borders, Chris Lockyear. “Entire families, made up of dozens of people, are crammed into tents and live in extremely precarious conditions. More than 900,000 people were forcibly displaced again when the Israeli army intensified its offensive on Rafah earlier this month of May.”

“All countries that support Israel’s military operations in these circumstances are morally and politically complicit,” denounces MSF. The NGO therefore calls on these countries, and more particularly the United States, the United Kingdom and the members of the EU allied to Israel, to do “everything in their power to put an end to the incessant attacks against civilians in Gaza.

MSF concludes its plea by reiterating its call for an “immediate and lasting” ceasefire.



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