“Patron saint of the web”, Carlo Acutis will be canonized after the Vatican recognizes a second miracle

“Patron saint of the web”, Carlo Acutis will be canonized after the Vatican recognizes a second miracle
“Patron saint of the web”, Carlo Acutis will be canonized after the Vatican recognizes a second miracle

Pope Francis recognized the miraculous nature of a healing in 2022 attributed to the intercession of the young Italian who died in 2006 and was declared blessed in 2020.

Blessed Carlo Acutis, a young Italian born in 1991 and died in 2006 of leukemia, will be canonized. With the authorization of Pope Francis, the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, an organization at the Vatican in charge of beatification and canonization investigations, attributed a miracle to the young Italian.

The Vatican has studied a healing deemed miraculous by a young Costa Rican woman who came to study in Florence in 2018. Following a fall while cycling in the streets of the city, the student was taken to the hospital with A “very serious head trauma”. His mother then prayed to Carlo Acutis, declared blessed in 2020 by Pope Francis, going to his tomb in Assisi.

“The same day, Valeria resumed spontaneous breathing and the following day, the doctors noted the recovery of motor skills in her upper limbs and the partial recovery of speech”, notes the Roman Dicastery. The young woman healed completely and very quickly, to the surprise of the doctors.

Another miracle was attributed to Carlo Acutis for a cure in Brazil in 2013 of a child suffering from a serious congenital deformation of the pancreas. Without surgery being necessary in this case, the anomaly disappeared after the little patient touched a relic of the venerable Italian.

Carlo Acutis is often presented in the Catholic Church as the patron saint of Internet users. Very pious, the young man had created websites for priests as well as a site on religious miracles. He had also designed a diagram of the Rosary prayer, which he recited daily, reproducing it on his computer.

His digital devotion has drawn praise from Pope Francis, who declared in 2019 that his use of the internet had allowed him to “communicate values ​​and beauty”and to counter the “dangers of social networks”. The Pope had also cited an emblematic phrase from the young Milanese: “Everyone is born original, but many die like photocopies”encouraging Internet users not to lose their individuality.

Pope Francis also approved the beatification of two martyrs of communism, the Pole Stanisław Kostka Streich and the Hungarian Mária Magdolna Bódi killed in 1938 and 1945 “in hatred of their faith”.

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