It contained 640 tonnes of oil: an oil tanker catches fire in the Baltic Sea, injured among the seven rescued sailors… An operation is underway to bring the incident under control

It contained 640 tonnes of oil: an oil tanker catches fire in the Baltic Sea, injured among the seven rescued sailors… An operation is underway to bring the incident under control
It contained 640 tonnes of oil: an oil tanker catches fire in the Baltic Sea, injured among the seven rescued sailors… An operation is underway to bring the incident under control

An oil tanker caught fire this Friday, October 11 in the Baltic Sea, reported AFP. The ship was off the coast of the port of Rostock in Germany.

FREIGHTER IN FLAMES IN FRONT OF BÖRGERENDE An approximately 100 meter long oil freighter named “Annika” is currently burning off the coast of Börgerende. Several lifeboats and a helicopter are in use. There were already several injured. More about this in the Ostseewelle news.

— Ostseewelle (@ostseewelle_de)

A 100-meter-long oil cargo ship has been engulfed in flames since Friday morningwhile it is located off the town of Börgerende-Rethwisch and was due to reach the port of Rostock early in the afternoon. The seven sailors who were on board were rescued. Several of them are injuredlocal emergency services said. According to the Central Command for Maritime Emergencies, the ship “Annika” carries approximately 640 tons of oil.

“Several lifeboats and a helicopter” are currently in use, local German radio reported Ostseewelle. At this time, no information has been provided on the origin of the incident. Other items should reach us during the day.



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