Upcoming trial of Joël Le Scouarnec: what was the surgeon’s criminal history in ?

Upcoming trial of Joël Le Scouarnec: what was the surgeon’s criminal history in ?
Upcoming trial of Joël Le Scouarnec: what was the surgeon’s criminal history in Brittany?

Joel Le Scouarnec will appear before the Morbihan criminal courtin , in the coming months, as announced by the public prosecutor of , this Monday, September 30. Of the 299 Joël Le Scouarnec patients identified by the gendarmes during the investigation, 254 victims are Breton. Because, from 1994 to 2007, the surgeon worked in several hospitals in the region. His longest period of activity as a visceral surgeon, it was at the Sacré-Cœur polyclinic in Vannes from 1994 to 2004. This is also where the pedophile was most active. He is accused of 67 rapes committed against minors under the age of 15, 11 rapes without this aggravating circumstance and 128 sexual assaults.

But, during this decade, Joël Le Scouarnec also made numerous replacements in other establishments medical: in Quimperlé, Malestroit, Lorient and Pontivy. Each time, he writes down in a notebook the date, the child’s name and a brief comment on what he did to him. Unbearable notes which testify to the permanent sexual urges of the former surgeon.

He left Vannes for the Bretagne Sud hospital center in Lorient, where he worked from January 1 to October 4, 2004, always with replacements, this time in Vannes and Quimperlé where he finally worked full time from 2005 until September 2007. He leaves behind 8 victims of rape, minors under 15 years old, and 33 victims of sexual assault. But his criminal journey does not end there. At the Jonzac hospital in Charente-Maritime where he is appointed June 2008 until the time of his arrest on May 2, 2017, but also at the Ancenis hospital center in -Atlantique where he carries out occasional replacements during the same period, Joël Le Scouarnec still causes 12 small victims. However, his sentence in 2005 to 4 months in prison for possession of child pornography images is known to the medical authorities who employed him at that time. Questioned by the investigators, the director of the Jonzac hospital explained that she had nevertheless recruited him, since “there had been no physical attack”.



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