Family assistant indicted for rape of a child in -Atlantique: what we know

Family assistant indicted for rape of a child in -Atlantique: what we know
Family assistant indicted for rape of a child in Loire-Atlantique: what we know

A thirty-year-old family assistant in -Atlantique is suspected of having raped a disabled 4-year-old child. He was taken into custody on Wednesday September 25.

After a press release from the Department, Renaud Gaudeul, the prosecutor, provides details this Monday, September 30 afternoon.

A 32-year-old father

The 32-year-old man, father of a 4-year-old child, unknown to the police and justice services specifies Renaud Gaudeul, is a family assistant and works for the Department of Loire-Atlantique. This thirty-year-old had obtained approval from Child Welfare on 1is December 2023.

On December 7, 2023, the victim, a 4-year-old girl, was placed with him.

The suspect faces life imprisonment

The man was indicted last week, Wednesday September 25, for rape with barbaric acts and sexual assault on a disabled child aged 4. Information from BFMTV, what West was able to be confirmed this Monday morning. He was placed in pre-trial detention.

This Monday afternoon, the prosecutor speaks about facts of a exceptional violence”, which led to retaining the qualification of acts of torture and barbarity against minors under 15 years of age which is extremely rare. The suspect faces life imprisonment.

The alleged perpetrator partially admitted the facts. He admits to rape and sexual assault and has confessed to pedophilic tendencies for many years.

The victim hospitalized

The child is hospitalized at the Pediatric Reception Unit for Children in Danger (Uaped) at University Hospital.

The alert of Dutch investigators

The starting point of the case: Dutch investigators, who had been working on child pornography images for several weeks, noticed the profile of a man who spoke French. They therefore entrusted the file to Ofmin, the Minors’ Office, which identified the suspect: He works and lives in the outskirts of Nantes specifies the prosecutor.

Within the framework of its competences, the Department contributed to the investigation, by providing the necessary elements.

Read also: INTERVIEW. An explosion of pre-criminal content exchanged online: “We must act”

Double criminal record check

His recruitment was subject to a double criminal record checkspecifies the Department. The approval procedure, recruitment and regular monitoring of this professional did not reveal any warning signs.

According to information from West France, his criminal record was clean and had not been the subject of any reports. We are on the profile of an unsuspected guy, involved in several associations.

The Department takes legal action

In the Loire-Atlantique Department, the teams are dismayed: All of the teams of professionals in the Department, who work for the protection of children in care, are shaken by the facts revealed, explains the administrative structure in a press release. Supporting the victim and their loved ones is the focus of attention to date. »

The Department has 600 family assistants, whose role is to welcome children in difficulty and separated from their parents.



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