Bourita denounces the inaction of the Security Council in the face of “the indescribable situation” in Gaza –

SSpeaking in New York, Bourita deplored “la situation indescriptible” in Gaza, marked by “thousands of deaths, mostly women and children”, while denouncing the paralysis of international institutions in the face of humanitarian crises.

The statement comes as the conflict in Gaza continues to intensify, wreaking havoc among civilians and causing a massive humanitarian crisis. Bourita recalled the need for Member States to question “the relevance and importance of our Charter and our mechanisms” in the face of this impasse.

Bourita also warned against the support of certain countries for armed separatist groups, which he described as a flagrant violation of the principles of the Charter, alluding to the sovereignty issues that Morocco faces, particularly with regard to the Sahara.

In response to contemporary challenges, Bourita called for reflection on the adaptation of the United Nations Charter in the face of new geopolitical realities and the multifaceted crises of the 21e century. It is important to put in place more appropriate international mechanisms, meeting the security and humanitarian challenges, he stressed.

And to recall that the unequal application of the principles set out in the Charter of the United Nations calls into question the spirit of unity and solidarity which founded the world order established after the Second World War. According to him, the provisions of the Charter are not simple declarations, but fundamental values ​​that member states must respect with sincerity and good faith.

During the G20 ministerial meeting, which was held on the sidelines of the General Assembly, Bourita also highlighted the need for strengthened and effective multilateralism. Faced with growing geopolitical tensions, he asserted that “responsibility and solidarity” must remain key principles to address global challenges, such as poverty, climate change and food insecurity.

With the recent entry of the African Union into the G20, Bourita believes that Africa now benefits from a strengthened platform to express its concerns and needs. He also called for better integration of middle-income countries, particularly those on the African continent, in the decision-making processes of multilateral institutions.



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