Please note, the issue released on December 29 will be a best of

Please note, the issue released on December 29 will be a best of
Please note, the issue released on December 29 will be a best of

This Sunday, December 29, A Sunday in the countryside will not be unpublished. Indeed, 2 broadcasts a best of the best moments from Frédéric Lopez’s show.

Accustomed to deprogramming, very often due to sporting events, the show A Sunday in the countryside regularly experiences vagaries in its distribution. During this holiday season, between Christmas and New Year’s Day, France 2 preferred to offer viewers a best of retracing the best moments of the season from 4:20 p.m. This was already the case two weeks ago, on December 15. But don’t panic, the program presented by Frédéric Lopez will be back very soon with new episodes on Deux.

A Sunday in the countryside : when will the new numbers return to France 2?

Between the two best of this month of December, the 57-year-old host received new guests in his bucolic house, conducive to confidences. Last week, three celebrities got on the boat to meet Frédéric Lopez. The singer Calogero spoke about his difficult entry into college, “In sixth or fifth grade, a middle school principal told my parents, ‘Your son won’t do anything with his life.‘”, he explained. He also returned to the moment when he stole records in a store and was caught by the security guard, causing immense shame in his father. These anecdotes were carefully listened to by the comedian Nora Hamzawi, who, for her part, spoke about the death of her father Valérie Perrin, the top-selling writer in France, completed the casting of this. Sunday in the countryside. Frédéric Lopez will soon receive new guests since a new episode will be broadcast Sunday January 5 !

A Sunday in the countryside : we know the guests for the next new episode!

For the next episode broadcast on France 2, three new celebrities will come and talk with Frédéric Lopez. These are the singer Michel Fugain, of Major Mouvement, the star physiotherapist of social networks and finally Manon Apithy-Brunet, the gold medal fencer at the 2024 Olympic Games! An eclectic cast which still promises beautiful sequences rich in emotion.

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